
The following are selected interviews. For more media appearances go to Michael McFaul's Youtube channel


Kendall-Taylor: Invading Ukraine would be ‘riskiest’ Putin move ‘in his 22 years in power’

MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports

МАЙКЛ МАКФОЛ: от посла США до врага России. Советы Байдену, ЦРУ, русские в Стэнфорде

Осторожно: Собчак

Putin Accuses U.S. Of Stoking War In Ukraine During Press Conference

MSNBC Deadline White House

Michael McFaul: Zelenskyy views warnings from West as ‘undermining his plea for calm’

MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports

Майкл Макфол: ответ США и НАТО на требования России / 27.01.22

Эхо Москвы

They have to keep trying to find a negotiated solution: Fmr. Russia ambassador on Ukraine


U.S., Russia Keep Diplomatic Options Open As Invasion Threat Looms

MSNBC Andrea Mitchell Reports

Col. Vindman: We are 'just on the cusp' of a European war

MSNBC Deadline White House

Fears of Ukraine invasion heighten

MSNBC 11th Hour

U.S. Anticipates Russian Use Of Familiar False Flag Tactic On Ukraine

MSNBC Rachel Maddow