
The following are selected interviews. For more media appearances go to Michael McFaul's Youtube channel

Hunter Biden story an ‘obvious Russian plot’ McFaul believes


Democracy & strategy: American statecraft in the 21st century

University of Virginia Miller Center

Re-Imagining Russia: A Conversation with Michael McFaul

Havighurst Center for Russian and Post-Soviet Studies

U.S., China and Russia: Great Power Competition

Asia Society Hong Kong Center

Полный Альбац /Майкл Макфол и Евгения Альбац // 21.09.20

The Echo of Moscow

Russia and the West: Rapprochement or New Systemic Conflict?

LibMod - Zentrum Liberale Moderne

McFaul On Putin Critic's Alleged Poisoning: Trump Is 'Enabling' Putin's Behavior | MTP Daily | MSNBC


Belarus Today: Is this the End for Lukashenko?

FSI Stanford

McFaul: ‘Really Strange’ Trump And Putin Would Not Discuss Russian Bounties | The Last Word | MSNBC

MSNBC The Last Word

Russia’s new Tsar? The aftermath of the Russian constitutional referendum

The Atlantic Council